Sunday 1 May 2011

XAircraft X450 build log by Quadcopters Uk


XAircraft X450 Build Thread by

Inside the box

All contents come in a nice tidy box with all the parts labelled and in separate clear bags.
It is also small in size and well packed so shipping will be reasonable.
As you can see all the contents are clearly labelled making the build process much easier.
The build now begins
First off start by getting the bits you need which are the Frame arm plates, Nylon pillars , The motor and motor fixer.  Then fix the motors to the motor fixers using M3x6mm socket screws (use threadlock).
You should then end up with 4 like this below.
Once all 4 motors have been fixed to the motor fixing plates , then you can begin fastening them to the frame arm plates , again use threadlock on all metal to metal fixings.
It is best to start with one side first and also insert the Nylon pillars as shown in pic using M3 x8mm Nylon screws (take special care not to over tighten these ). If they feel tight going in , just back them off a quarter turn and carry on slowly. They will snap if over tightened .
Then put the other side frame arm together to look like this .
Repeat this process on all 4 arms , Note 2 are yellow for visibility.
You will then end up with them looking like this .
Now we prepare the Fuselage Upper Plate, you will need 8 frame arm fixers 
4x M3 nylon nuts , 4 x M3 x 12mm Nylon Pillars 
The picture shows the finished underside of the upper central plate, again use threadlock on the frame arm fixers, And carefully tighten nylon washers onto the pillars.
Pic below is the finished top of the upper center  plate.
Once the upper fuselage plate is finished we can begin to mount the frame arms 
See pic below , we use M2x6mm socket screws (threadlocked)
Repeat process on all 4 arms , and you will end up like this.
ESC and Motor connections
Now onto ESC and Motor connections.
Looking at the pic above the motor at 1 oclock is motor number 1 , 
11 o’clock is Motor 2,  7 o’clock is Motor 3 and finally 4 o’clock is number 4.
Start feeding the esc’s in as shown in the picture and feed the power lead 
to the underside and bring the signal wires through the centre hole as shown.
Motors 2 and 4 are black-black , red-red , yellow-yellow.
Motors 1 and 3 are black-red , yellow-yellow, red-black
Once all power connectors and signal wires have been fed through you can 
connect the JST connectors to the power wire (pre fitted with deans connector)

When all 4 wired up , it should look something like this.
Centre Plate

Now it is time to prepare the Bottom centre plate, you will need 8x Frame arm fixers 
and the M2 x 6mm socket screws (thread lock)
Now feed the battery velcro strap through the slots nearest the centre 
and the turn the frame upside down , grab a handful of M2 x6mm socket screws
and fix the bottom centre plate to the underside of the existing frame.

We now look like this.
Now we move onto fixing the Flight controller and the AHRS to the centre plate
Start off like this and pay close attention to which way everything is facing.
This build is for X style. But you only need to turn the flight controller and AHRS round for 
+ style.  First we attach the mounting plate onto the nylon pillars and then attach the supplied
double sided tape , this secures the flight controller.
Also have your signal wires from the Esc’s coming out like this as it will make the job neater.
Next we fasten the Flight controller onto the double sided tape , again make sure 
everything is facing the correct way.
What I did next was to update the firmware on the flight controller , the reason 
I choose to do this now , as nothing should be connected only the usb lead. 
This is all covered in the manual and on the xaircrafts wiki page
And then fixed the AHRS mounting plate onto the nylon pillars.
And now you stick 4 pieces of Shock absorbing double sided sponge pads to the 
underside of the AHRS unit and then stick onto the mounting plate.
Pay close attention to nose direction.  Arrow pointing forward to the nose. 
Also connect the Esc signal wires to their corresponding slots on the flight controller , They are labelled output 1-12 so Motor 1 goes to output 1 , and Motor 2 to output 2 and so on for the 4.
You can now also connect the Input wires to the FC board and then we can join them to our receiver.
Here we have 5 servo wires for , Throttle , Elevator , Rudder, Aileron, and Gear for Flight modes.
I have tidied the wires , and Bound my radio to the Ar6100e for this build. 
The radio set up is very easy. And is explained in more detail in the manual.
All there is to do now is check the motors are working , but do not run 
the motors fast or for a long time with no propellers on as this could 
cause damage. Once I was happy with everything I put the props on .
Motors 1 and 3 should turn CCW and Motors 2 and 4 are CW.
Put the props on and tighten prop adapters.
I have added a security dummy cam dome on this build which I think 
gives it a nice look.
After this was assembled I did a quick hover indoors and it flew very well
I will do more testing and hopefully get some flying time with this soon.

This is only a guide and I cannot be held responsible if I have made any errors in writing this. The full instructions do come with all kits and the final build and quality is down to your experience.

Thanks for reading.

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